"Positive things happen to positive thinkers" - Robert De Niro in The Fan.
Although his character was a certifiable psycho in the movie, he was onto something you have heard preached in hundreds of blogs, speeches, television programs, etc.
So if it's so simple why don't more people say "YES" to their positive thoughts instead of letting the negative ones pollute their head-space?
I would be lying if I said I have never had a negative thought or took negative actions in my life. I am not a completely 100% positive person and I doubt anyone truly is...but I do try to block out negativity, as I truly believe (as you should) that it is harmful, toxic, and dangerous not only to your well-being but to others' too.
Exposing yourself and others to negative words/actions releases stress and kills the brain's health which directly affects the health of a person's body. It's scientifically proven in a variety of studies, and it makes perfect sense and yet still...people refute the idea and choose to dwell in a wasteland of destructive thought.
I hope if you are one of them, you will stop. Now.
Lying, deceiving, backbiting, stealing, and hurting others are all negative behaviours spawned from the wrong kind of thinking.
If you feel inadequate or jealous of someone else, trying to hurt them or being negative towards them will definitely not help your state any further and will make you even more vile and destructive.
I have observed it ruining friendships, relationships, and making people literally crazy.
Some believe positive thinkers are unrealistic or dumb.
Well, I am a mostly positive thinker and I happen to be very in touch with reality and am certainly far from dumb. Not acknowledging or partaking in childish games, or jealous competitions does not make someone dumb, it makes them smart...for not wanting to live a life of hate and pettiness.
Like the Eagles sang: So often time it happens, we all live our life in chains, and we never even know we have the key.
Think about it.
He who has so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition will waste his life in fruitless efforts. ~Samuel Johnson
To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have. ~Ken S. Keyes, Jr., Handbook to Higher Consciousness
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. ~Oscar Wilde