Dear Leafs fans,
I do not appreciate some of your snobby attitudes regarding who gets to cheer for "your" team. First of all, they are not yours. Second of all, they need all the support they can get! If you haven't noticed they are kind of the object of derision in...every city but El Toro (had to throw that in; it's a joke, relax).
I have supported the Leafs through thick and thin (as have many of you) and I chose to take a break from their stressful antics - it was hard watching them consistently getting their arses handed to them by...everyone. I'm entitled to do so while still loving them.
That is not bandwagon jumping, friends. Band wagon jumping is when a person prior to the playoffs, did not support nor cheer for a team until that team showed promise to win the championship.
I cheered for the Leafs from beginning of season until Jan 1, 2011. That's way prior to the play-offs. Further, who are we kidding? Even IF the Leafs make it to the play-offs there is zero promise of them winning the championship. I am all about optimism and positive thought, but I doubt any of you would put money on a bet they'll win the Stanley Cup.
In conclusion, your snobbery is as unwarranted as The Maroon 5 Fan Club rejecting/kicking out members. Makes no sense. Think about it.
Aunt Jemima