Monday, March 29, 2010

Let it Be

It never ceases to amaze me how some people do not possess one iota of courtesy, respect or sociability whatsoever.
Two individuals who possess this mind-blowing array of no-skills have made my life hell today (IRL before anyone jumps to the conclusion this is a digital matter).
Although through digital channels these people are not absent. I am not going to waste a full blog about them because I have already addressed this issue before and no amount of truth, proof or reason can make these people apologize or even acknowledge they bought into untruths or constructed judgement based on false information.
Seems a lot of people do not subscribe to the philosophy of Peace & Love anymore. That makes me sad.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I need to remember today, for today I made the mistake of ordering pizza from Pizza Pizza.
Disgusting. Never again.
End of blog.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My first concert (out of +/- 3000)

Who remembers their first concert? I do. I was 15. All I really wanted for my Sweet 16 was to go to a rock show and be cool! Obviously since I had no job and relied on my parents for money, my mom took charge of the plans and I didn’t know what to expect but I was assured that I would get my wish and she would take us to see guys who have long hair who play guitars; so I was pretty pumped! She ended up buying about 10 of us tickets to go see Collective Soul (who happened to be in town on the exact day of my birthday –also a Monday night so I have no clue how any of us went to school the next day).

We clearly went to the venue directly after school and got to meet a couple of members from the band outside the venue randomly. First we saw the bassist in the park across the street, and totally had to go bombard him …at some point I think he said something like “y’all” and we started giggling uncontrollably and asking him “why do you talk like that? You’re not a rapper!!!” But he was still cool to us and hung out despite our lack of knowledge of geographical dialect differences. His sly exit was “oh look, he’s in the band too! Go get his autograph!” pointing at one of the guitarists. He wasn’t into it and told us he wasn’t in the band and swiftly ran away. We were like “what a LIAR!” later when we saw him on stage during the show.

The show was relatively fun. We were front row in the pit and wanted to mosh really badly cuz that’s what they did at rock shows on TV. I guess no one else wanted to (wrong concert?) so we simmered down and listened to the music… we didn’t know any of the words which pissed all the die-hards in attendance off. Some crazed-fans started yelling at us that we didn’t deserve to be front-row and that we were little bratty kids etc. But that just made us laugh cuz they were so serious and full of rage over something so inane.

After the show we went to the tour bus where apparently we could meet the band (according to an anonymous tip). At the time it didn’t seem crazy that we were taking advice from a man who came to the show alone and followed them from city to city. The lead singer was “sleeping” already but the bassist was willing to talk to us again and we saw the guitarist who pretended not to be in the band before the show. He ignored us and we decided he was the worst one.
The drummer ignored us too so he was the second worst.
Maybe I will scan the pictures I have of meeting them that long ago later.

The end. Thanks for reading.

** Edit: found the set-list in my nerdy scrapbook from high school...
Disciplined Breakdown
Collection of Goods
Heaven's Already Here
Love Lifted Me
Wasting Time
Precious Declaration
Crowded Head
Revolution (Beatles cover)
Smashing Young Man
Where the River Flows
The World I Know